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Where does microfranchising fit in with other methods of poverty alleviation? Stephen W. Gibson, creator of the Academy for Creating Enterprise, has developed the ‘Spectrum of Economic Self-Reliance Development,’ which categorizes and identifies different means of poverty alleviation. This spectrum helps us answer the above question about microfranchising, and it is from this spectrum that the ideas presented below originate. Credit, therefore, must be given to Mr. Gibson.

The spectrum breaks down chipper jones jersey poverty alleviation activities into two major categories: those that build dependency, and those that build economic self reliance.

Poverty Alleviation Methods that Build Dependency

The three activities that build dependency are ‘taking services, goods, or people to the poor.’ This would include actions such as doctors and dentists going to bring medical services, organizations chipper jones jersey taking goods such as food chipper jones jersey or clothing, and summer excursions bringing people and students to work on things such as building orphanages or homes.

All of these means are important under the appropriate circumstances, such as disaster relief. If a natural disaster occurs, leaving thousands without shelter or food, then all of these activities are necessary to save lives. Food, water, and supplies must be brought, workers must come to help rebuild, and professionals must come to assist in providing needed medical attention.

